All But Lost (The Gifted Realm Book 6) Read online

Page 14

  “I might just pull you over here, spread your legs over my lap, and make you take it hard and rough. Make you ride me while those gorgeous tits bounce in my face, baby doll.” Dan felt himself throb and tense for her. She cried out as he slipped his fingers inside of her forcefully.

  “Yes,” she drawled, her eyes flashing in desire. She spread her legs further, giving him a look that set him on fire.

  “More,” she demanded.

  “So wet. Always such a naughty little girl for me.” He pushed deeper, desperate to feel her walls closing in on him. Greed filled his mind. What she was offering and what he planned on taking cinched his muscles.

  Dan’s entire body was hot-wired and thrumming to feel her wild and free, telling him and showing him exactly what she wanted.

  “Take me home,” she ordered.

  Dan pulled his hand away.

  “Taste it,” she commanded. Her eyes were full of fire and a storm of rebellious passion.

  “Oh baby, I planned to. Sweetest damn thing I have ever tasted.” Dan placed his fingers in his mouth and sucked the creamy nectar from his fingers. Her breaths sped.

  He cranked the car and harnessed the engines. He could have her home in mere minutes.

  His mind was full of her and what he planned on learning while she was so freely giving away the delicious hidden secrets of her sexuality. The garden she allowed him to harvest from but was reluctant to discuss. The fantasies and deep desires that she kept tucked away safely, even from herself.

  Suddenly, Fionna reached and popped the snap on Dan’s jeans. She lowered the zipper.

  His mind scrambled. He feebly tried to remember why he should stop her.

  “I want to suck you,” she cooed sensuously, making him shudder from need acute to the point of pain.

  She leaned across the center console pushed his jeans down enough to get what she wanted and then dragged her tongue up his stiff, throbbing length.

  Forcing himself to keep the car on the road, Dan groaned as she engulfed him in the wet, fiery heat of her mouth. Her tongue licked his ridge and his entire body shuddered in need.

  He managed to steer the car into the garage before turning it off as she lifted her head. A thundering groan echoed from him as he began stripping her in their garage.

  “Yes,” she kept up her orders, “I want you to lose control. I want you to take me hard. Bite me, suck me, mark me, make me beg. Punish me. Then bury your cock so deep inside of me I can feel it every time I move tomorrow. Make me do anything you want. Dominate me, and tell me how good it feels. Make me know that I’m all yours.”

  Gasping for breath, Dan’s eyes goggled as he tried not to lose it all before he’d even begun to meet her orders.

  “Go get in my bed right now, little girl. Keep your legs spread, and your ass and that wet pussy up and open for me. I’m gonna watch you touch yourself. You’re gonna show me like my naughty little girl. You’re gonna bring yourself all for me. You lay there and start with your clit and then work your way all the way back. You’re gonna show me every single way you can come. Then I’m gonna own you. Flip you over, open you wide, and fuck you so hard you can’t walk and don’t remember how to say anything but yes, sir.”

  Loud, longing evulsive moans mewled from her as she flung open the car door and moved up the stairs. Her clothes hung off of her in an erotic show all for him.

  Dan was hot on her trail. His single-minded focus consumed him as his entire body reverberated with white-hot devotion. He melted down in the ecstasy of her desires.

  Keep It Down

  ~Rainer Lawson~

  “I’m really not that drunk,” Emily insisted for the third time in five minutes.

  “Uh huh, how many times have you told me that?”, Rainer chuckled.

  Emily was walking on her own and talking coherently. She grabbed a Dr. Pepper on her way by the fridge. “My mouth tastes like liquor and rubber balloons.” She grimaced as Rainer followed her into their bedroom.

  “You know, I could have told everyone how skilled you are with your tongue. You didn’t have to suck balloons.”

  “Will you take a shower with me?”

  “I’d never turn that down, baby.”

  She gave him his favorite mischievous grin as she stripped for him, showing off the leopard print bra and G-string that was his favorite.

  Emily moved to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “And will you let me show off my skills?”

  Rainer felt his jeans tighten as he slipped his hands under the tiny elastic strings holding her panties to her backside. “That depends on how much you had.” He was not taking advantage of her. If they did anything at all, he had to know that she was going to remember it in the morning.

  She rolled her eyes. “Rainer, I’m fine. I learned my lesson. I didn’t have that much. Please, I’ve been thinking about you all night.”

  Knowing him well enough to know his objections, she added, “Plus how could you possibly take advantage of me? We’ve been together since I was four, and you’re marrying me in a few weeks.”

  Her ability to reason reassured Rainer much more than her points. The war in his mind waged on, and he decided that he needed more data. “Let’s see how you feel after our shower.” He gauged her reaction.

  She gave him an extremely sexy pout. “But I want to do it in the shower.”

  To coax the ardent temptation she offered so deliciously, Emily ran her hands down his chest and then spun her fingers over his burgeoning erection.

  Drowning in the futility of the war, Rainer gave in. She was too much, too beautiful. He wanted her too badly. He simply wasn’t strong enough to fight her desires.

  He placed his hand over hers, forcing her to grab him as he reached and popped the clasp of her bra watching her breasts spill forward.

  “Yes,” she moaned. Rainer lifted their weight and leaned in. He spun his tongue around her left nipple, listening to her moans grow desperate. Her head fell back as she hoisted them in his face.

  Knowing what she wanted, Rainer felt himself pulse in her hands as he slowly teased her areolas with this tongue until they darkened against her alabaster skin then he sucked her fervently.

  “You’re sure you’re all right?” he forced himself to ask again.

  “I’m fine. Just take me.”

  He’d been tense and curious most of the night. Standing at half-mast long enough to ache. Wondering what she was receiving and what could be done with it.

  His body began to vibrate in his need. Rainer pulled away from her. “Do you need me to cast you, sweetheart? Because I’m about to put you in that shower and take you hard.” He listened to her sweet breathy moans.

  “I did it before I left. I want you,” she whimpered in her desperate desire.

  Rainer hoisted the panties off of her in under a second and pulled off everything he was wearing as he guided her into the bathroom. He turned on the water and heated it with his hand.

  Spinning her into the pouring water, Rainer stepped in behind her. He watched the water spill over her luscious curves with a hungry groan. It separated at her peaked nipples and flowed down over her crotch in a dizzying stream that his hands longed to follow. His cock jerked in anticipation.

  “You are gorgeous.” He watched her pleading eyes darken in her yearning desire. “Turn around for me, baby.”

  A shiver quaked through her body. She spun, placed her hands on the tiled wall, and looked back at him as she pushed her backside out deliciously.

  A deep thundering moan echoed around the tiled bathroom as Rainer lathered his hands. He washed away the remnants of the party and anything that wasn’t a part of the two of them together. They needed to exist as one without any intrusions.

  He coaxed her legs apart with his knee and then tenderly dipped his fingers between her pulsing folds. She was swollen, slick, and fevered. She had been thinking about him. She trembled and writhed between Rainer and the wall.

  “That feel good, baby?” he dra
wled in her ear as she cried out for him.

  The drinks she’d consumed had her relaxed, and the party had all of her thoughts on what she wanted from him. It didn’t take much for him to push her over the edge.

  Her energy spun in tantric twists, but they weren’t as tight as he’d become accustomed to them being as she unfurled around him. She was relaxed and longing to be cared for.

  “You ready, baby?” he was desperate to feel her clench tightly around him, to nurse away the hungry ache he’d carried all night.

  “Yes.” She arched her back and pushing what she wanted filled against him. She rubbed herself over his slick cock.

  Rainer grasped her waist and penetrated her. She gasped and moaned her ardent approval.

  “That what you wanted, sweetheart? That what you’ve been thinking about,” he demanded as he listened to her moans of ecstasy.

  “Yes,” she moaned loudly, “it feels so good. Harder, more,” she begged as he groaned in elation.

  He gently pushed her shoulders further forward and filled her. He drove her harder, pounding against her, burying himself deeper with each pass.

  She swelled suddenly as her breath stuttered. Her entire body tensed and rolled.

  “I’m gonna…” she warned, but the climax stole her breath entirely.

  “I know, baby. I feel it,” he assured her. “You need to come with me,” he commanded as she broke hard, and with a final, ragged, driving thrust he buried himself past his hilt and exploded inside of her.

  She writhed around him gasping for breath. Rainer eased out of her, turning her back around and cradling her tenderly.

  “Geez! Would you two keep it down!” Logan banged on the bathroom wall, which was the same wall as he and Adeline’s bedroom.

  Emily cringed into Rainer’s chest.

  “Em, baby, we have to move.” He assumed afterglow wasn’t necessarily the ideal time to discuss moving out, but it seemed necessary after what had just happened.

  “I know,” she agreed as he began washing away all that he’d done to her.

  A little while later, Emily dried her hair and crawled into bed, curling up on Rainer’s chest.

  “I really do love Fionna’s house, and that was an amazing price they offered us.”

  “Yeah, well, they want to get rid of it, and they can’t put it on the market because then people will know she’s moved.”

  “Do you think it’s too small?”

  “It’s a lot bigger than this house.”

  “I know, but you have all of this money, and I feel like if it weren’t for me, you’d build something you wanted with ten garages or something.”

  Rainer chuckled and brushed a kiss against her soft, warm hair.

  “Baby, I don’t need ten garages. All I need is you. If you’re there, I’m good. And you loved all the upgrades she’d done in the kitchen. It has two extra bedrooms if the twins wanted to come spend the night, or the new baby.”

  “I’ve never lived anywhere but here on the farm,” she whispered in the darkness.

  “I know sweetheart, but I kind of think we need a place for us to start our lives together, maybe just a little bit away from your family.”

  “It is really close to the arena, and you could use that room off of the living room for an office. And maybe in a few years, when we decide to start a family, then we could build a bigger house with garages for all of your cars.”

  “We can do whatever you want, but I think we need to find something soon because in just a few weeks you’re going to be Mrs. Lawson.” He felt his energy soar as he considered that fact.

  She felt it, too. She was now full of his energy, potent from his release.

  “I can’t wait. I’m just a little nervous about moving.”

  Feeling his heart ache for her, Rainer cradled her tenderly. His sweet baby was scared and that killed him. He had to prove to her that he would take care of her, that he would be what her father had always been for her mother and all of his kids.

  They needed to move away for the two of them, for their relationship. They needed to make it on their own, and he was desperate to prove himself.


  Emily had a slight headache the next morning. After supplying her with pain medication, Rainer fixed eggs and sausage links. She felt much better after she’d eaten.

  Adeline had to work and apologized profusely for not being able to help clean up. Rainer and Emily assured her that it was fine, that they would get everything done.

  When they entered the long corridor leading to the ballroom, Fionna was standing with Vindico. They were leaned up against a wall, waiting on Chloe to arrive with the interior keys. She was cradled in his arms with her face pressed against his neck. He was whispering something to her, and his hands continually roved over her back.

  It was momentarily odd. Rainer and Emily slowed their progress towards them. Vindico was so cautious with her. He never allowed anyone to see them together, yet that morning he seemed unaware that anything existed outside of the two of them.

  He tenderly rubbed his right hand up to the nape of her neck and nestled the back of her head in his massive hand. With his left, he kept her tucked against his body. She nodded her head slightly, and he continued whispering.

  His shield was pulsing under his hands but hadn’t surrounded her, so Rainer assumed they were simply cuddling. Nothing seemed to be wrong. Everything about his boss nurtured Fionna completely. The softer side of Dan Vindico was quite a change.

  An uncomfortable half smile creased Emily’s features. She didn’t seem to know if she should speak. It was very unlike Fionna to ignore them. She was always so kind and polite, but today she seemed unwilling to lift her head or acknowledge their arrival. Everything about her was honed in on Vindico alone.

  A few minutes later, Chloe arrived, looking rather bedraggled. Most of the Angels trooped into the ballroom. Rainer’s eyes goggled as he took in the disastrous display.

  “You were aware that women are much dirtier than we typically are, right?” Vindico laughed, but kept his hands on Fionna. He moved with her almost symbiotically.

  All Rainer could manage was a nod as his eyes roved over numerous pairs of white panties strung on clothesline, all with instructions written on them from all of Emily’s party guests.

  ‘Harder’ was written on several pairs, along with ‘Lick me here,’ and one pair had ‘Spank me’ written on the back.

  “Wow.” Rainer tried to steady his breath. He noted cucumbers lying all over the room, most of them encased in broken condoms. Whipped cream was stuck to the tables and floor. An inflatable doll with stickers of lips all over it was slumped over in one corner.

  “You don’t have to stay. We can clean up.” Emily’s face blended in perfectly with her long auburn hair.

  “No, it’s fine. I’ll help,” Rainer assured her, though he noted that he sounded utterly shocked as he made the offer.

  A black bag was slung near one of the punch bowls with vibrantly colored vibrators spilling out of it.

  “Hey, Em, we have a few of the ring pops left over, do you want them?” Chloe called as she began boxing up leftover party favors.

  Emily laughed, “Uh, I’m going to go with no on that.”

  Glancing Chloe’s way, Rainer discovered that the ring pops Emily’s friends had gotten for the party were penis shaped.

  “Aww Phil went soft,” Sasha teased. The girls began giggling as she deflated the blow up doll.

  Vindico and Rainer shook their heads, sharing a slight shudder.

  With a discreet eye roll, Vindico popped the clotheslines down and wound them up, complete with the bra and panties. “Did you want your instructions, or do you think you have it down?” he joked as he threw the wad in one of the trashcans.

  “I got it.” Rainer tried to relax and find something to do. As most of the items from the party ended up in the trash, a couple of hours later, the ballroom was restored to its previous pristine state.

iner and Emily had decided the night before to accept the price Vindico and Fionna had offered on her bungalow in Alexandria.

  Anxious to discuss the closing on the house while Emily was excited about it, Rainer asked Vindico if they’d like to go get some lunch.

  “We could go to Lesco’s, and Fionna and I could sit together. Sort of like we went out and friends of ours tagged along,” Emily strategized.

  Fionna’s eyes sought Vindico’s. Concern plagued her features.

  “Absolutely not,” Vindico’s terse growl at Emily’s plan had Rainer’s back up, but he knew better than engaging in a verbal sparring match with his boss. “If we want to discuss this now, we can go to Fi’s old house, our house, the office, the farm, but no one will see us together in public.”

  Fionna nodded, though she tried to soften the blow. “Yeah, it’s not a good idea, Em. Why don’t we just go by my old house? It’s just five minutes from here.” With that she returned to her earlier position laying on Vindico’s shoulder with his arms wrapped around her. His shield pulsed much more vehemently this time as he drew her into his body.

  Rainer couldn’t quite figure out what was going on with either of them. Previously, Fionna seemed to find Vindico’s obsessive insistence that they never be seen in public together a little over the top. Now, she was completely on board.

  “You should really buy it under an alias,” Vindico explained as Fionna unlocked the door to what would become the Lawson’s first house.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought, too,” Rainer agreed. Emily shivered. The house was freezing. Rainer guided her to his chest and pushed heat out through his shield. Vindico performed the same move with Fionna while reaching to turn up the heat. “My dad, or Governor Haydenshire, could do the closing for us.”

  “And we’re planning on paying cash so there shouldn’t be a paper trail,” Rainer continued the conversation.

  “That should give you some relief from the press, hopefully.”

  As the cozy house warmed, they discussed all of the logistics. Fionna and Emily discussed decorating options and whether or not Rainer and Emily wanted to purchase any of the furniture Fionna hadn’t taken when she’d moved to Vindico’s.