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All But Lost (The Gifted Realm Book 6) Page 13
All But Lost (The Gifted Realm Book 6) Read online
Page 13
But he knew that it was going to be a wild night when Fionna giggled and informed him that if he wanted to eat anything else in a thong that she had something for him.
Dan kissed her cheek as he pulled on the motorcycle jacket she’d given him for Christmas. “I’m going to the drug store.”
“Hey, wait,” she called. He turned back, thinking there was something else she needed him to pick up for her. “Thank you for doing that for me. And thank you for what you said about us. I’ve never been happier, Dan, but I do have a question for you.”
Chuckling at her formality and her overly pink cheeks, Dan winked at her. “What, baby doll?”
“Chloe will be over in a little while, so I have to ask you this now.” She sauntered towards Dan with a sexy grin that took his breath away momentarily as he watched her, dressed in one of her favorite aprons, sucking icing off of her fingers with flour on her cheek.
She placed another icing covered finger in his mouth, and he sucked it flirtatiously making her giggle.
“I want you to promise me something.”
“Okay,” he hoped he could promise whatever it was she wanted. If she was going to start in on his working too much again, this was going to get tricky.
“I’ll promise only to have a couple of drinks tonight, if you promise that even if I’m tipsy, we can have fun once we get home.” Her voice took on an excited thrum.
Dan raised his left eyebrow and narrowed his eyes. “When you go out and have fun with Chloe and Emily, you’re usually asleep by the time I get you home.”
“I know, but if I’m not asleep. I’m asking you now so you’re still a gentlemen because I’m completely sober when I asked.”
He laughed at her outright. “All right, fine. If you’re not asleep and you haven’t had enough that I would feel like a complete jerk that was taking advantage of you, then I’ll see what I can do.”
Her eyes lit as she nodded. “Deal!”
When Dan returned, Garrett and Chloe were in the living room with Fionna. Garrett was scowling as Fionna and Chloe began arranging party favors for the evening.
“This is my little sister. Why are you doing this to me?” Garrett demanded. Chloe laughed as she began counting out cheap, black-lace thigh garters with a hot pink pins declaring the wearer to be a bad girl.
Dan shuddered as Fionna began piling penis shaped ring pops into the bags they were taking to the arena.
“Before every challenge, Rainer gives her a ring pop because she loves them, and because she can’t wear her real ring when she plays. I think it’s some kind of thing from when they were growing up, so we thought this would be perfect,” Chloe explained to him.
Garrett scowled and shook his head. “Em used to make Rainer play wedding with her constantly, and she would make him give her a ring pop in the ceremony.”
“They are so adorable,” Fionna sighed wistfully.
There were also penis-shaped candies in Angels’ colors being thrown in the bags, plastic diamond shaped drink cup rings that would hold a shot, enough boas for every attendee, and sashes distinguishing the girls as the Bride, Bridesmaid, or the Matron of Honor. All of the others had Bride’s Bitches written across them in silver glittered letters.
“Condoms,” Fionna called to Dan as she moved down her list. He handed her the bag from the drugstore, full of dozens of boxes of condoms.
“You are the best.” She popped a kiss on his cheek.
Garrett rolled his eyes.
“Wait ‘til you see the cake.” Dan sank down on the couch beside Garrett.
“Do you have the bra and panties?” Fionna quizzed Chloe.
“Yes, and I got all of the Angels to go ahead and write on theirs so we can hang them up when we get there. But I still need Adeline, Brooke, Sarah, and Lucy to do theirs. And I went ahead and did the bra.”
“Yes, that was exactly what I wanted to think about Rainer doing to my baby sister,” Garrett groaned again.
Dan was thoroughly confused. His brow knitted deeply. Fionna giggled as she extracted an inexpensive white bra from one of the bags Chloe had supplied. He agreed with Garrett’s assessment as he read Chloe’s handwriting in black marker. She’d written Suck Me Here on one cup, and Bite Me Here on the other. He didn’t have to see the panties to get the idea.
Chloe rolled her eyes as Dan and Garrett both grimaced. “What is wrong with you two? Em has a huge rack. She probably likes Rainer to suck on them.”
“Oh my God, Chloe! Seriously!” Garrett shuddered in horror.
“Want to go grab some lunch?” Dan offered him a lifeline.
“Now.” Garrett stood and headed to the door in a moment’s notice.
“We’ll bring you back something,” Dan offered.
“Okay, love you,” Fionna called as she continued to go through bags consolidating things for the party.
Several hours later, Dan helped Garrett load up the bags and all of the food into his Highlander. “How did we get roped into helping to decorate for my little sister’s lingerie party?”
“That would be because the women planning it let us play in their lingerie,” Dan informed him wryly, finally getting a chuckle out of Garrett.
“Rainer’s gonna flip when he sees all of that shit.” He gestured his head to the back of the Highlander.
Dan laughed outright. Rainer Lawson was both extremely protective of Emily, as any Ioses worth their salt was about the woman they were in love with, but he was also a little naïve. He was going to run a steady shade of puce for most of the night. Dan had no doubt.
Fionna appeared in the driveway carrying an air pump that could be casted.
“What is that for?” Garrett demanded incredulously.
“For the blow up guy. We’re gonna play ‘stick the kiss to the guy.’ Oh! I need tape,” she remembered suddenly and ran back towards the house.
“Oh, yeah. You and Dan played something like that in Vegas didn’t you?” Garrett chided before promptly cracking up. Dan couldn’t help but laugh as Fionna’s cheeks glowed a rosy pink.
By six thirty, Dan and Garrett had begrudgingly hung clothesline along the walls of the Angels ballroom. Fionna and Chloe had promptly begun hanging a dozen pairs of panties, all with lurid instructions on them, along the clothesline.
Chloe had blown up the naked male inflatable doll, and had positioned him in the corner with cut-out lip prints with tape on the back of them stationed nearby with a tie that Dan recognized as one of Garrett’s that would serve as the blindfold.
The food tables were complete with heart shaped sandwiches, Fionna’s lingerie cookies, many varied salads, and trays of appetizers. The penis-shaped cake that was frosted with the words Emily’s Going Down written in large letters and The Aisle iced in tiny letters at the bottom stood prominent in the center.
Another table contained more games. The condoms and cucumbers were lined up and ready. There was a black silk bag that Dan had been informed contained many varied sex toys. The girls were to stick their hand in and guess what they were feeling.
Bottles of Redi-whip were on the table beside long slim balloons. Chloe was adding liberal amounts of vodka to Jell-o shots, making Dan think that the likelihood that Fionna was going to get to have tipsy sex was slim to none.
“No shots,” Fionna informed him quietly. He always suspected that she could read his mind.
Curiosity finally got to him. As Chloe and Garrett returned to the Highlander to bring in a missing bag, Dan caught Fionna’s waist. “Hey.” He pulled her close. “Can I ask you something?”
“I’m sorry. I know this is all kind of over the top, but we love Em and we want to send her off right.”
Dan smiled and shook his head. “No, baby doll, this is all fine. I want you to have fun. I just wondered why you were so hell-bent on us having sex tonight. Not that I don’t want to. I always want you, Fi, but we do that with a great deal of frequency. So what’s this all about?” He tried to read her energy patterns as he held her close to h
is body. He wasn’t a Receiver and couldn’t quite navigate through the embarrassment that was dominating her rhythms.
She shrugged. “I don’t know. I just…” she hemmed uncomfortably.
“Hey, please don’t be embarrassed. Just tell me.”
“It’s like you said, I always fall asleep. So I’ve never done the tipsy sex thing, and you said that we could try stuff that I wanted to try. I know I’m safe with you, and I know you would never do anything I didn’t want you to because I know you really love me. I just wanted to try it. It’s supposed to be fun.” Her face held a mixture of deep embarrassment and extreme hopefulness. “We had fun on the plane, and we’d never done that before. I’m certainly not planning on going out drinking all the time so we can have drunken sex or anything. I just wanted to try it once before I turn thirty,” she admitted with a slight shudder.
Understanding settled on him as all of the pieces began to fall into place. Fionna was nervous about turning thirty in April. Despite his assurances that thirty really wasn’t any different than twenty-nine, she seemed to be having a hard time believing that.
If she wanted to do something out of character for them both, then he would happily oblige. “All right, if that’s what you want, then I will gallantly offer you my services.”
“Well, thank you, kind sir,” she giggled. “And I will try my best to blow your mind.”
Dan kissed her cheek. “You always do, baby doll. You always do.”
An hour later, the party was in full swing. Dan was seated in an adjoining room off of the ballroom with Rainer, Logan, Garrett, Barron, McCoy and Will, who’d driven Brooke and shown up with a cooler full of beer and Big Mickey’s sub sandwiches for the guys.
“This is the first time Brooke’s been out to do anything fun since Lily Ana was born, and my baby girl is spending the night with Brooke’s dad and stepmom. So I was thinking she didn’t need to be driving home,” he’d explained to everyone.
“And you were thinking I wouldn’t mind getting against that after she’s had a few libations,” Garrett goaded his big brother.
Everyone laughed heartily.
“Might’ve been thinking that,” Will allowed.
“Yeah, I’m gonna need somebody to point out to me the Angels that are available,” McCoy teased, working his deep southern accent as everyone continued to laugh.
“It was really nice of Fionna to invite Karen. She’s been kind of lonely since we moved. She doesn’t have any friends here yet,” Barron commented to Dan.
He laughed and nodded, “Yeah, well, if she can get a condom on a cucumber, I’m sure she’ll fit right in.”
The men’s laughter was drowned out by the loud music and squealing laughter coming from the ballroom. Rainer seemed extremely uncomfortable. Garrett offered him another beer.
“Hey, not that I’m expecting anything to happen tonight, but I’d like him to be sober if it should,” Dan scolded Garrett.
“Oh my gosh! Rainer would never ever wear that,” Emily chanted loudly. Her voice carried through the door between the rooms.
“Em, you have to make him. They feel so good!”
Rainer popped the top on the beer bottle, downing it quickly as everyone cracked up again.
A few minutes later, balloons began popping. Rainer and Logan shared a confused glance.
“You don’t want to know; trust me,” Dan assured them.
The guys stopped drinking beer and switched to cola after each having two. They began inhaling the huge sandwiches Will had supplied.
“Okay, some of these gift bags are vibrating,” they heard Chloe sass as she announced that it was time for Emily to open a few more of her presents.
Rainer ran his hands over his face repeatedly.
“Adeline!” Emily gasped. “I cannot believe you got me this!”
All eyes turned to Logan who held up his hands in surrender. “I told her I didn’t want to know! I have no idea.”
“How goes the house hunt?” Will offered Rainer an out.
Looking relieved, Rainer set down the sandwich he’d been picking at. “Em really likes Fionna’s house.”
Dan was sincerely hoping that Rainer and Emily would purchase Fionna’s home. They couldn’t put it on the market as that would alert everyone to the fact that Fionna Styler had moved somewhere else.
“We both liked it. I kind of want to redo the floors,” he noted, “But whenever I bring it up, Em starts to cry. She really doesn’t want to leave the farm.”
“I’m sure Dad would let you build in one of the backfields,” Will pointed out.
Rainer nodded, and Dan tried to hide his disappointment.
“I know,” Rainer allowed, but then seemed to clam up.
“Em needs to live off of the farm. She’s gotta grow up,” Garrett explained so that Rainer didn’t have to.
“I never said that.” Rainer didn’t deny it either.
“I know. I’m saying it,” Garrett came right back.
Awkward silence drowned the room just in time for the guys to hear whistles and squeals from the partygoers.
“Fi-oooo-nnaa,” drawled loudly from several of the girls. “That’s right ladies! Miss Fionna Styler will get the Head Goddess ribbon and crown as the only girl who didn’t pop a single balloon,” Sasha announced excitedly as the girls broke out in fits of laughter.
“Nice,” Garrett guffawed. Dan felt his face heat as Will slapped him on the back laughing heartily.
McCoy and Barron choked back laughter trying to be respectful of their new boss, but when Rainer and Logan cracked up they did as well.
“And our lovely bride only popped one, so let’s hear it for our Receivers, ladies! We knew they were good at giving and receiving,” Chloe slurred slightly.
Rainer joined Dan in letting their heads fall in their hands. Will, Garrett, and Logan didn’t find Emily’s winning to be quite as funny as Fionna’s.
“Open more presents Emily,” one of the girls, whose tone Dan didn’t recognize, commanded.
“Here, open mine,” Dan heard Fionna order. Where Chloe and Sasha’s voices rang of their slight inebriation, Fionna’s did not. Dan tried not to think about her request in light of her just being named “Head Giving Queen.”
A minute later, Emily gasped, “Fionna, that is just scary looking!”
“Jere, I’ll show j’ou how to use it,” Brooke’s Brazilian accent broke through the laughter.
All eyes turned to Will. He smirked. “Hey, she’s not shy about what she wants. That’s one of the many reasons why I married her,” he assured everyone, taking the teasing much better than either Rainer or Dan.
It was nearing 2:00 in the morning when the girls spilled out of the ballroom. Chloe was tripping and slurring. Her eyes were vibrating slightly as Garrett caught her to keep her from falling flat on her face.
“We need to help load the Emily into the presents,” she informed him as he choked back hysterical laughter.
“Uh huh, why don’t you sit here and have some Dr. Pepper?” He pulled a dollar from his wallet, slipped it into the vending machine, and handed the cola to Chloe. “And we’ll load up the presents.”
Fionna was chuckling at Chloe, but Dan noted that she didn’t appear to have had a great deal to drink. She and Emily were, however, not only wearing their bride and bridesmaid sashes, but phallic shaped ribbons were pinned on their shirts declaring that they gave good head. Fionna was crowned with a headband covered in hot pink fuzz and feathers with two plastic penises suspended on springs over her head.
Unable to help himself, Dan guffawed.
Grinning broadly, Fionna laughed with him. “This just proves that I am extremely talented.”
“Yeah, I’m gonna need you to take that off before we go home,” he goaded, trying to ignore Rainer, Will, Garrett and Logan’s hysterical laughter.
Emily seemed to find everything hilarious. Rainer shook his head at her.
“I only popped one,” she f
ussed just before cracking up again.
“Uh huh, I think we need to get you home, baby.”
She blinked several times, trying to get Rainer to come into focus.
“We’re gonna come back tomorrow and clean up,” she assured Fionna.
“We’ll be here, but you don’t have to come too early. I’m not sure you’ll feel up to that.”
Brooke gave Will a look that said she had plans for him that evening. Will looked extremely pleased as he took her hand and guided her out to their car.
McCoy gallantly volunteered to drop off the girls who needed rides.
Dan, Rainer, Will, Logan and several of the girls carried Emily’s presents out to the Hummer. Everyone that stayed to help agreed to be back in the morning to clean up.
“Okay, Officer Vindico, I only had two glasses of wine, and one shot, and lots and lots to eat” Fionna declared as Dan opened the passenger door on the Ferrari for her.
“That so?” Dan studied her closely as he settled into the driver’s seat. She didn’t seem to be anything more than buzzed. Her rhythms were slightly more relaxed than they normally ran, and they were pulsing with more heat, but that was the only noticeable difference. “And what do you want, baby doll?” He watched her eyes flash in excitement.
Giving him a ravenous, lust-filled grin, Fionna reached and grabbed Dan’s crotch massaging it heatedly. He moaned as he leaned and guided her mouth towards his.
“Tell me, honey. Tell me what you want.” He let his other hand trace under the short skirt she was wearing. He turned his head and mated their mouths.
She’d lost just a little bit of her inhibition. He began to realize that she was no longer timid or afraid to tell him what she wanted or how she wanted it. His mind spun and his rhythms leapt in the excitement of what he could learn.
“Tell me all the dirty things you want to do to me and then feel how wet you make me,” she commanded.
To illustrate her desire, she edged her skirt up high and revealed the fact that she was wearing nothing underneath. Dan growled. His heart slammed against his ribcage as he slid his hand to her inner thigh, barely touching her slit, watching as she writhed in his car in the parking deck with no one else around.