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All But Lost (The Gifted Realm Book 6) Page 9

  Snyder seemed to debate, but he finally shook his head, “No questions.”

  Jack straightened his jacket, pulled himself to his full height, and smiled at Adeline. “The defense calls Lucas Nguyen, Adeline’s biological father, to the stands.”

  Logan offered Adeline a reassuring gaze, though his heart pounded in his ears. This was it. As soon as word got out that Lucas was Adeline’s father, she would become an extremely appealing target for Wretchkinsides.

  Logan felt violently ill as he watched Lucas be sworn in. The roller coaster of emotion threatened to do him in.

  “I assume you have DNA to back that up?” Snyder spat angrily.

  “Naturally.” Jack handed copies of the blood work performed on Adeline and her father to Judge Sanderson and to Snyder. “Not that it’s terribly necessary.” He gestured from Lucas to Adeline.

  “Mr. Nguyen, could you please tell the court when you last saw Candy Parker?” Jack began.

  Lucas drew a steadying breath. “It was about twenty-two years ago. I was seventeen. My brothers and I were visiting the states that summer.”

  “And you are from?”

  “Sydney. My family is one of the ruling parties of Australia,” Lucas explained, not elaborating on which part of Australia they ruled.

  Candy looked excited for a moment as she began demanding that Snyder get her money from Lucas. He waved her off.

  “And the circumstances that you met Miss Parker, Mr. Nguyen?” Jack ignored Candy’s heated whispers.

  “She was a hooker, I believe that’s what you call them here. A prostitute if you will. My brothers felt it was high time that I engage in sexual activity,” Lucas grimaced over the words. “They hired her for me. I could clearly learn a great deal about being a man of character from my son in law.” Lucas watched a broad grin spread across Adeline’s face.

  “So Miss Parker was involved in prostitution before she gave birth to Adeline?”

  “Yes.” Lucas nodded.

  “Can you tell me if Miss Parker was high or using drugs during your time with her?”

  “I couldn’t tell you if she was using at the time, but I can tell you that she offered me something that she said would help with my nerves. I believe she called it a sex vitamin,” he quipped wryly.

  “Objection! This was over twenty years ago! This shouldn’t be admissible,” Snyder demanded.

  “One doesn’t usually forget one’s first go,” Lucas offered the judge, who nodded his agreement, though he looked slightly disgusted.

  “Did Miss Parker ever attempt to contact you about her pregnancy or Adeline?” Jack continued smoothly.

  “No, never, and if she had, I assure you that my daughter would not have been brought up in the cold hallway of an apartment building by an abusive mother. She would have been raised in Sydney with the very finest of everything. I would have seen to it.”

  Although the sentiment was meant to show that if Candy had put forth any effort at all into discovering Adeline’s father she wouldn’t have to have dealt with the child she clearly viewed as nothing more than an annoyance, Logan’s stomach always churned every time he considered Adeline being raised on the other side of the world.

  Adeline’s eyes met Logan’s; she didn’t like to think about it either. He gave her an adoring grin. His heart swelled through his pain.

  She looked so frail and frightened there at the table alone, and he longed to move and sit beside her, to hold her hand. It was the way their world worked. Nothing made sense unless she was beside him.

  With a deep, desperate, harrowing sense of urgency, Logan longed to take her hand and pull her from the courtroom. He wanted to take her home, release her from the stiff conservative dress suit that she’d been instructed to wear and put her in one of his t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants. He wanted to lay on the couch and cradle her against his body. He needed to cover her up in the quilts that she loved as he ran his hands over her luscious body.

  He wanted to hold her tightly in his muscled embrace and whisper how much he loved her until her energy soothed and soared from his vows.

  He wanted to hold her until she turned to him with the look that only he’d ever been lucky enough to see: the hungry, timid, pleading gaze as her eyes darkened and her body trembled for him.

  She didn’t deserve this. She’d done nothing wrong. He was supposed to protect her, not allow her to have to go through something like this, where her character and their relationship was poked, prodded, and scrutinized by people that cared nothing about either of them.

  Logan was shaken from his remorse-filled reverie by Lucas exiting the stands. Jack began calling Medios and nurses from Georgetown to plead Adeline’s good character, work ethic, and her talent for medicine.

  He moved on to Garrett, who explained that the morning after the attack when he and his brothers had gone to Candy’s apartment to remove Adeline’s belongings, he’d found that she’d destroyed everything belonging to Adeline.

  His parents were next, explaining all that they’d happily done for Adeline over the past several years. Jack had asked Mrs. Haydenshire how many children she had, and then asked if she remembered her first pregnancy.

  When she’d assured him that she had, he asked her what the likelihood was that Candy had gone on for months not knowing she was pregnant, driving home the point that Candy had used during her pregnancy with Adeline.

  But the judge reprimanded him, pointing out that Logan’s mother was not an expert witness. Logan had found that genuinely humorous as his mother had rolled her eyes dramatically right on the stands.

  Thicker Blood

  Still feeling a gnawing sense of terror riddle his body, Logan watched as Snyder stood to make his closing statements.

  “This case has proven nothing when it comes to my client. Mr. Stariff, with his vast resources, has teamed up with a Senator, an extremely wealthy man, and has found Adeline’s father, but where was he when my client was left alone and afraid to raise a daughter on her own? Put yourself in my client’s shoes. What would each of us have done in the same situation, uneducated, young, alone, raised on the streets? Is prison really where my client belongs, and if so, what exactly are her crimes?”

  “Adeline is a grown woman, healthy and working as a doctor. A difficult task that she clearly didn’t accomplish on her own; I would like to remind everyone,” he threw back towards the Haydenshires, “she abandoned her mother who, despite everything Mr. Stariff has alleged, did in fact love her daughter dearly. She married the man that her mother despised in an obvious act of nothing more than calculated rebellion. I believe the photographs I presented show exactly what kind of woman Adeline Haydenshire is and what kind of family she has associated herself with.”

  Logan’s jaw clenched tightly as he leaned, and Rainer caught him and shook his head. His father shot him a look that said to simmer down, and Logan tried to draw steadying breaths. The infuriated look on Adeline’s face did nothing to quell his temper.

  “Did my client turn to prostitution in an effort to provide for her daughter? Yes. Is that a crime more than allowing her child to starve? Is it a crime with any real victims? I think we would all agree that it was not, and I urge you to consider these things, because it wasn’t only Adeline that was a victim. It was also her mother.”

  Jack stood rolling his eyes dramatically. “Mr. Snyder asked you to put yourself in Miss Parker’s shoes. Well, I’m going to ask you to put yourself in Adeline’s.”

  “Her mother was a prostitute long before Adeline was conceived. Her father sat right here and admitted to being one of her clients. She is not only using drugs; she is offering them to the men she services and dealing for her pimp on the side. I’m sorry, but I do believe she has committed numerous crimes and that she should be prosecuted thusly. Were there no other jobs available? Stable, steady, honest work that would have not necessarily provided Adeline with the finest things in life, but would have given her a solid home with heat and electricity on a regular ba
sis? Or food and running water?”

  “My client took on responsibilities meant for adults at the age of ten. Her mother’s chosen profession put her in constant danger, until her graduation night when she was actually attacked. Then, in an act of cold, cruel, calculated rebellion,” he threw back at Snyder, “she got angry that her daughter’s attackers didn’t pay for her services, and she threw away the very few things that Adeline owned. So, no, I do not believe that Candy Parker loved her daughter in any way.”

  “In fact, the very night that Miss Parker was paroled, she showed up at Georgetown Hospital, causing another scene when Adeline was trying to work. So if you believe, as I do, that this country, this state, stands for justice and righting wrongs, then please, let’s give Adeline a little peace and time to heal and foster and nurture her new marriage to a man that I don’t think any of you could deny clearly loves and adores her.”

  “Candy Parker has yet to show any remorse for the way Adeline was raised. She’s shown no sign that she won’t go right back to the life she was leading before her arrest, and no signs that she will leave Logan and Adeline at peace. She needs to serve time. We do not allow drug dealers to walk the streets of Arlington, Virginia. We do not allow people that neglect and abuse children to go on without reprimand.”

  “Do your duty to the Commonwealth. Do your duty to this country. Do your duty to Adeline. Because when each of us were tucked up warm and safe in our beds at night, that little girl sat alone in a cold hallway, wondering where her next meal was coming from and whether or not she could convince her mother to pay their bills. Being exposed to potentially dangerous men night after cold, terrifying night!” Jack Stariff pulled out all of the stops. Logan sat in awe. The jury was visibly moved.

  But when Candy realized that Jack had just effectively sealed the case for Adeline, she began to come unglued. Logan’s eyes goggled as she stood and glared at Jack. Her face grew red in her volatile temper.

  Logan had seen her like this a few times before, and Adeline was always the target of her violence. Logan stood, heading Adeline’s way, but Lucas calmly positioned himself between Adeline and her mother, daring Candy to come anywhere near his daughter.

  “This is all your fault!” she screeched at Lucas. “You’re one of them people, aren’t you?! That’s why she has all that stuff she can do! Just like all of them!” She threw her hand towards Logan and everyone seated on the witness benches for the defense.

  The bailiff stepped towards Candy as did Jack.

  “And he ain’t a Senator!” She stomped her feet furiously and threw her right hand towards Governor Haydenshire.

  “He’s a Governor, or something like that.”

  The judge looked terrified. Snyder appeared bewildered as the jury stared wide-eyed with their mouths hanging open in confusion.

  “Ms. Parker take your seat or be held in contempt!”

  “And that school she went to, it’s for all of those weirdos,” she continued to screech.

  Lucas stood, blocking Adeline completely as Candy continued to stalk closer.

  “Excuse me, your honor, but has she been given a drug test today?” Jack seized the opportunity unfolding before his very eyes.

  But Candy wasn’t going to back away. Logan could see it in her eyes. He heard several feet hit the floor beside him as he leapt over the railing and pulled Adeline behind him. Candy lunged vengefully at her daughter, her hands aimed for Adeline’s neck.

  Lucas grabbed her. “You will never touch her again. If I have my way, you’ll never see her again,” he growled furiously.

  “Bailiff, please detain Ms. Parker!” Judge Sanderson ordered.

  Candy fought Lucas combatively, still trying to get her hands on Adeline by any means possible, but he kept her at bay.

  As she was hand cuffed and dragged away, Jack turned to Judge Sanderson.

  “I think the defense rests,” he quipped.

  Logan pulled Adeline into the safety of his embrace as she trembled violently in his arms.

  “I can’t imagine you’ll need to deliberate long, but we’ll take an hour for lunch. Let me know when you’ve reached a verdict.” The judge still looked stunned by the turn of events.

  Adeline hid her face against Logan’s chest. His heart pounded as his panic began to abate. He noted that Rainer had leapt the railing a half a second after he had. He was followed immediately by Garrett and Vindico. Those were the feet he’d heard. His father and each and every one of his brothers had moved towards Adeline as soon as they’d understood what was about to happen.

  Logan closed his eyes as Adeline sobbed into his chest.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?” Lucas looked heartbroken as he moved towards Logan and Adeline after the jury had exited the room.

  She nodded against Logan, but then pulled away and fell into her father’s arms, still sobbing convulsively.

  “Thank you,” she managed.

  “Keeping you safe is one of the many jobs I wasn’t there to do when you were growing up, but I will keep you safe now, love, always.”

  Governor Haydenshire handed Lucas a handkerchief. “Good to keep on you when you have girls.” He gazed adoringly at Adeline, tucked up in her father’s embrace as Lucas began to dry her tears.

  Several hours later, everyone was standing in the farmhouse kitchen as Mrs. Haydenshire, Emily, Fionna, the Governor and most of Logan’s brothers worked on huge pots of Mrs. Haydenshire’s gumbo.

  Fionna was baking numerous batches of corn bread. Vindico stared at her every time she bent over to check the ovens.

  Lucas and Adeline were seated on the bay window bench seat, discussing something that seemed to thrill Lucas.

  “So not only guilty and probably going to jail, but got a psych evaluation and headed to the Virginia Mental Health Institute.” Rainer grinned and made certain that Adeline couldn’t hear him discussing her mother’s new living arrangements.

  Logan chuckled, “I don’t care where she goes as long as she stays the hell away from my baby.”

  “Amen to that,” Garrett chimed in. “She’s nuckin futz. Dad’s not a senator. Clearly she’s crazy,” he teased as Vindico joined in his laughter.

  “I saw you jump that railing. I thought they were going to arrest you for choking her.” Vindico gave Logan an extremely proud grin.

  “Yeah, trust me,” Garrett was still laughing, “You do not mess with Adeline. He will end you violently.” He slapped Logan’s stomach with the back of his hand.

  “Good man,” Vindico vowed.

  “Yes, he is,” the Governor joined the conversation.

  The Princess and Her Castle

  As everyone began inhaling bowl after steaming bowl of the gumbo, Logan settled on the couch with Adeline. Her relief was still evident in her eyes as she ate.

  “I was so hungry,” she admitted sheepishly.

  “Well, eat, baby. There’s plenty.”

  They ate in peaceful silence for a few long minutes, finding respite in the house full of people. Nathan and Tad were discussing plans for Rainer and Emily’s wedding, with everyone in the kitchen listening intently.

  “You okay?” Logan wondered how she really felt about her mother being sentenced to spend time in a psych hospital.

  “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I’m relieved I get to keep working and that it’s over with, but I’m still worried about her, I guess.”

  Lucas joined them just then. “Mind if I sit?” He still looked mildly uncomfortable eating dinner on the couch, but there were no available seats at a table or countertop.

  Adeline gave him a genuine smile. “I haven’t told Logan, yet. I was just about to.”

  Lucas grinned at her adoringly. “Whenever you want, love, but I heard you say that you were worried about your mum.”

  Her cheeks pinked as she nodded.

  “Sweetheart, I know that what happened today was rather odd, but I do wonder if your mother receiving psychiatric care might not be good for her. She does seem to
be rather self-destructive. But, more importantly, you cannot save her. You pulled yourself up out of that situation, and she can do the same, but only if she wants to.”

  Considering that for a few minutes, Adeline nodded her hesitant agreement. “I had a lot of help, though.”

  “And if your mother wants help, Adeline, then I will help her, because we share this amazing woman that is our little girl. But darling, you’ve done enough. It’s time for you to relax a little. Heal. Enjoy being a newlywed. Come visit your old Dad, every so often,” Lucas teased her and reveled in Adeline’s giggle.

  “You’re coming back for Rainer and Emily’s wedding, right?” Adeline surprised Logan with her fervor.

  “Yes, but you and Logan are welcome in Sydney anytime. You call me, and I’ll have a jet here as soon as possible.”

  “I’m going to miss you.” Adeline seemed somewhat surprised by her own admittance.

  Lucas gazed at her tenderly. “Not half as much as I’ll miss you, sweetheart, but you just say the word, and I’ll be back. You pick up the phone, I don’t care what time it is here or in Sydney, and we’ll talk about anything at all. I’ll be there whenever you need me.”

  Adeline gave him the smile that Logan had fallen head over heels for so many years ago. “Thank you.” She choked back tears as she began to really understand what she meant to her father.

  She hugged her father tightly as he wrapped her up in his arms. She settled back down curling up beside Logan.

  “So,” she bit her lip nervously as Logan studied her. “My… dad…” she allowed, and Lucas took a moment to remember to breathe as he beamed at her, “and I were talking, and I think that I might like to change my name again.”

  “Okay…” Logan waited on the inevitable explanation as he felt her energy change from nerves to elation.

  “I think that I’m going to officially be Adeline Nguyen Haydenshire,” she stated with a tremendous amount of pride lighting her eyes.

  “That sounds perfect.” Logan leaned and kissed her cheek.

  “I think so, too,” she gushed.